vendredi 12 février 2010


5 commentaires:

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wow Freddie...these are gorgeous ....stunning , particularly when set against the earthen,, colours of the blog!
thank you, for sharing them.... we do some paper trade soon eh...

Nuage fiché qui rêve a dit…

Merci Sotise. It's a rather simple work :o), glad you like the effect. True that it's nice with the colours of the blog.
Nice to see you. Yes we should definitely do paper trade. Did you receive the e mail with my address ?
I go listen to the second set of this fantastic Lacy concert !

Take care

Nuage fiché qui rêve a dit…

On the Steve Lacy concert, by "second set" I meant second date, of course. What a luxury. Thanks again for your advice on Dime.

Ad a dit…

simple mais beau.